Salon Chrome and a Sneaky Holo Lesson!

Hello fellow nailophiles! Today I come to you with fun stuff.. a review on the fabulous (and from what I hear, limited edition) Salon Chrome by Sally Hansen. This product was just released a few months ago in the US and I’m pretty sure it hit Canada about a month or so ago, as I…

My weekly Manicure

As promised, this post will be dedicated to sharing my manicure “secrets” and crazy routine! My manicure has changed quite a bit lately for several reasons. The main one being that I no longer have a nice and hard acrylic layer over my nails , which means I need to take extra care of my…

It’s all in the oil! (Part 2)

So here we are! It’s been a week and I’m sitting in my living room, sick as a dog, with no voice coming out of my mouth, and ready to type up the rest of my nail story. Are we ready? Re-cap: I wore acrylics. I thought acrylics ruined your nails. Fast forward to a…

It’s all in the oil! (Part 1)

I figured it would be best to dive right in with the nail stuff! For my first post, we’ll talk acrylics, cuticle oil, and my journey into natural nails. I have always loved long nails but have never been able to grow them. My mother tells me that she always had problems with her natural…